CoronaVirus Lockdown

Growing Old – Lock Down Day 3

Today we finally settle into reality, speaking to friends their spirits have dropped after waking up to a gloomy wet day and news reports quoting some experts as saying this may go on for months or even a year before the virus dies out! There is nothing like news reports to dampen the spirit! I for one don’t ever watch them, I do however skim news headlines on my browsers home page only clicking if they seem important. How many headlines are deceiving? Once in them you often find that the headline was worded to get you there and that the story isn’t quite what the headline stated – pure Click Bait. As for Coronavirus most of the news is speculation as we are in uncharted territory as happens with every new virus so we need to focus on what we do know and not speculation, hype and fear mongering click bait.

The facts so far are that older people and those that have existing health problems impairing their immune system are at greater risk of developing complications. Locally a 21 year old football coach died today, after reporting breathing problems he was tested and found to have the virus, unfortunately when hospitalised he was found to have leukaemia too. This is the reason why self isolation was important before the forced lock down which many ignored, the recommended precautions were in place to try to protect the vulnerable but as events have shown with panic buying and hoarding etc. that there are selfish people out there so staying at home a few days with cold or flu symptoms, or missing a night out would not be a choice for them. There are also those who unfortunately don’t have a choice, taking a few days off could lose them their job or they wouldn’t be paid for those days, struggling to feed a family and pay rent they are forced to work.

We live in a world where nothing is separated everything is connected, this I feel should be taught as a basic at home and at school to children. Going out to work with a virus will spread that virus to others, air pollution in one city will eventually be carried world wide through air streams, polluting one area of a river will effect the whole river and those that rely on it downstream, including all the wildlife. Most peoples selfishness (not everybody’s) comes from a place of ignorance, not being conscious of the decisions they are making. Knowing that every action has a reaction and taking conscious self responsibility for all decisions and actions would make our world a fairer, healthier and better place.

Already while writing this the sun has come out and all feels brighter, conversations with my friends earlier resulted in a general consensus to stop watching the sensationalising, fear mongering news especially in lock down, its far better for your mental health. We don’t know what will happen but worrying into the future will not help, enjoy this time to read, learn, write, do things that you enjoy (not outside), catch up with friends on chats etc. This is a reminder of the fragility of life, and to enjoy what you have in the now, if plans are cancelled then that’s ok, you have something to look forward to when this is all finished, or maybe those plans will change as you look back and decide if they were important enough to re schedule.

Stay safe and take precautions to protect yourself and loved ones, I hope you have time to work through and assess some of your strong emotions popping up at this time, it can be such a powerful medicine.💜

Someone is enjoying chilling and thankful for the Lock Down!

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